We are committed to ensuring that your donations are used as you intended. We are committed to integrity and transparency in all we do.
Financial Results
Funds given to GICF are directly used to benefit the children through the operation of Lulwanda Children’s Home and the related facilities and programs. GICF activity in the USA is undertaken solely by unpaid volunteers, so that about 96% of all donations received are sent to Uganda and applied directly to our orphan care programs.
In 2023, 96% of your donations were applied to LCH programs in Uganda, with the remaining 4% covering administrative and fundraising costs.
Foreign missionaries serving at our overseas locations are all self-funded.
All donations are tax deductible in the USA and tax receipts are issued annually.
In accordance with IRS guidelines, contributions are solicited with the understanding that Grace International Children’s Foundation has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
GICF USA Inc. files form 990 “Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax” with the US Internal Revenue Service annually.

External Assessment
Subsequent to rigorous review, GICF USA Inc. has been accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Certification by ECFA demonstrates compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fundraising and board governance within our US-based organization.

GICF USA has also been assessed by GuideStar, who have given GICF their gold rating.